Various colors, from yellow, to red, brown and black, covered in white to yellow papillae. On top it has a flat shell, usually covered in weeds, anemones or sponges.
Unassessed by the IUCN Red list, but a circumtropical species.
Circumglobal species in tropical and temperate seas as well as the Mediterranean. They can be found on reefs and burrowing under rocks, in a very wide depth range of 0-270 meters.
Not much is known about their reproduction, although most members of the order of Pleurobranchomorpha (sidegill slugs) are simultaneous hermaphrodites.
Up to 12cm.
They feed on sponges. They have a very wide radula to rasp away at their sponge prey. They have been observed to feed on species of the Demospongia , including Tethya spp., Aaptos aaptos, Ancorina alata, and Plakina trilopha.
Umbraculum umbraculum is also referred to by another common name, umbrella shell.