Synodus variegatus (Reef lizardfish)


From gray to brown or red, with 6 dark saddles on the back and an alternating dark and pale blocked line on the side and directly below another line, white with dark, vertical stripe markings. Big individuals are usually very thick, almost humpbacked.


Unassessed by the IUCN Red list, but a common species of lizardfish throughout the tropics.


They can be found from the Red Sea and the East African coast to Hawaii and French Polynesia, from Japan to Australia. They live on coral or sandy and rocky bottoms, in a depth range of 5-50 meters.



Up to 40cm., but usually around 30cm.

Prey / Predation

They feed on small fish and shrimps.

Special features

There are several species of lizardfish, that can be distinguished by the lateral markings and tail markings. Color schemes are roughly the same for them all.