Siganus virgatus (Virgate rabbitfish)


Yellow tail and upper body with pale blue spots, lower body is bluish white. Two dark diagonal bands on the head with pale blue markings. Usually in groups, large or small.


Unassessed by the IUCN Red list, but fairly common in the Indo-West Pacific.


It can be found from the Sri Lanka and the Andaman islands to China, Taiwan, the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia and Australia. They prefer shallow, coastal waters, usually near hard coral reefs and sandy bottoms with loose coral heads.Inhabit shallow coastal waters, around hard coral reefs and areas of sand with patches of rock and soft coral. Often in turbid waters. Larger juveniles and adults tend to be found more in pairs in coastal reef flats, slopes and estuaries, small juveniles are found in mangroves, in a depth range of 0-12 meters.



Up to 30cm.

Prey / Predation

They feed on benthic weeds (weeds on the seafloor).

Special features

They are reported to be venomous. Another used common name for the same species is barhead spinefoot.