Pale grey body with numerous dark yellow to golden spots on the body and tail and a bright yellow spot below the base of the rear dorsal fin. Serrated dorsal fin when standing up. In schools of 10-15 individuals. Nocturnal species (active at night), unlike other Siganidae relatives.
Unassessed by the IUCN Red list. Uncommon species. It has a limited distribution.
Western Indian Ocean and the Pacific, in water temperatures between 24 en 28 degrees Celsius. Andaman Islands, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam, Ryukyus, southern and eastern China, Taiwan, South China Sea, Philippines, and Palau. Replaced by Siganus lineatus to the west, south and east of the region. Inhabits turbid inshore reefs among mangroves; tolerates or even prefers low salinities. Juveniles settle in seagrass beds around river mouths and adults enter and leave rivers with the tide, but also found on the drop-offs of inshore fringing reefs, in a depth range of 0-25 meters.
Reproduction through spawning, usually at night.
Up to 35cm.
They feed on benthic algae.
The spines in the dorsal and pectoral contain venom! This species is also known by its other common name goldlined spinefoot.