Porcellanella triloba (Painted porcelain crab)


A small porcelain crab with a white to brown translucent body with large white spots on the legs.


Unassessed by the IUCN Red list. This is an uncommon species of porcelain crab, not often seen.


IndoPacific: From Indonesia and the Philippines to Japan. It can be found on sea pens in muddy habitats in the sublittoral zones (beyond the intertidal zone), in a depth range of 30-70 meters.


Sexual reproduction with precopulatory courtship rituals and indirect sperm transfer.


Up to 2,5cm.

Prey / Predation

They feed on plankton, which they filter out of the water column with their specialized claws.

Special features

Also known as Porcellanella picta, but renamed in 2010.