Pale green to white with three wide, dark green to blue bars, mid-body is often yellow, fading to grey. They usually form feeding groups and shelter among the branches of Arcropora corals. Juveniles tend to be found more often on Sarcophyton or Sinularia soft corals.
Unassessed by the IUCN Red list but are considered to be fairly common in the Western IndoPacific.
They can be found from Singapore to Vanuatu, Samoa and the Marshall Islands, Southwest Japan to Northwest Australia, in a depth range of 1-15 meters.
Oviparous breeders with distinct pairing during breeding. Eggs are laid on the bottom and stick to the substrate, and are then guarded by the males.
Up to 11cm.
They feed on zooplankton such as larval crabs and shrimps, fish eggs and filamentous algae.
Dead and broken coral branches are also used to make a nest.