Purplish gray with white vermiculations, tail is yellow or gray, white to yellow patch behind the top of the head and a black eye bar. They usually form small groups.
Least concern on the IUCN Red list. This species is collected for aquaria, but it is thought not have an impact on the global population.
Indo-West Pacific: Japan to Indonesia, Malaysian Peninsula and the Philippines, Sri Lanka and east to Papua New Guinea. Reported from Mentawai Islands. May consist of two separate species, one with an all-yellow tail and the other mostly gray tail. Inhabits continental shelf reefs; not usually found around oceanic islands, in a depth range of 1-20 meters.
Up to 18cm.
They feed on sponges, tunicates and filamentous algae.
This species is closely related to Chaetodontoplus poliourus, and may be confused with it. Both species coexist in several places in Indonesia.