Valenciennea helsdingenii (Twostripe goby)


Pale grey, torpedo-shaped body with a wide white stripe from head to tail, bordered by two black stripes. The dorsal fin is black with a fine white border, and the tail is forked. They usually appear in pairs.


Unassessed by the IUCN Red list. There are widespread but not often seen, could be considered rare.


From the Red Sea and Southern Africa to French Polynesia, South to Japan up to Northern Australia. They can be found on sand and rubble bottoms near drop-offs, in a depth range of 1-45 meters.


Twostripe gobies are monogamous. Reproduction through spawning. Eggs hatch days after spawning.


Up to 15cm.

Prey / Predation

They feed on small crustaceans and fish. They also filter out fish eggs from the sand.

Special features