Caranx sexfasciatus (Bigeye trevally)


Silver color with a small black spot on the upper end of the gill cover, white tip on the fore lobe of the rear dorsal fin, relatively large eye, forms large schools during the dat, at night they disperse more.




Red Sea to East Africa and to the far Eastern Pacific, southwestern coast of Baja California Sur, Mexico and the Gulf of California to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands. Inhabit coastal and oceanic waters associated with reefs. Occasionally enter rivers. A Pelagic species. Adults are found in coral reefs and are mostly active at night or during twilight periods. During the day they are usually seen milling in stationary aggregations. Juveniles may be encountered in estuaries, occasionally entering rivers and penetrating well inland.



Up to 120cm.

Prey / Predation

They feed on smaller fish and crustaceans.

Special features

Form slow-moving schools in the passes or outside the reef during the day, dispersing at night feeds.