Tylosurus choram (Red sea needlefish)


Long and thin, silvery body with a needle-like shaped head and big, forked tail fin. Fast swimmer, staying closely below the surface.


Unassessed by the IUCN Red list. Uncommon species.


Red Sea, Gulf of Oman, and the Eastern Mediterranean, and the Western Indian Ocean. They can be found in coastal waters and the upper reef edges, just below the surface, in a depth range of 0-5 meters.


Oviparous breeders. Eggs are attached to floating objects by tendrils on the eggs.


Up to 120cm, but usually smaller (70cm).

Prey / Predation

They feed on small fish just below the surface.

Special features

Needlefish are fast swimmers, and are therefore not often seen up close. They are also known by their other common name Red Sea hound fish.