Aglaophenia cupressina (Stinging hydroid)


Featherlike projections with plumose branches and side-branches. Color can very from green to brown/grey.


Unevaluated by the IUCN Red list, but considered fairly common.


On shallow reefs with moderate current in the Western Indian Ocean or the Indo-Pacific.


They reproduce sexually, with mature attached colonies releasing small medusae that form at the base of their “branches” these float off producing either eggs or sperm. When joined, they metamorphose into a planula larval form that is blown by currents to a suitable reef surface and attaches, becoming a new branching colony.


Up to 25cm.

Prey / Predation

They feed by sifting food particles from the water. They are preyed by several species of nudibranchs.

Special features

It has a powerful sting!