Aeolidiella glauca (Grey sea slug)


White to light brown colored body, lots of cerata down the side of the body, not on top of the dorsum (back). Cerata starting of brown and turning pale towards the tip. The rhinophores and oral tentacles have white tips.


Unassessed by the IUCN Red list. Uncommon and only known from the Northern Atlantic.


Northern Atlantic, North Sea, French and British coasts. It prefers sandy and muddy habitats in the sublittoral zone, in a depth range of 5-23 meters.


They are simultaneous hermaphrodites, being able to act as male or female. Upon encounter both individuals darts their penis toward each other to induce one to act as a male and the other as the female. The victorious one to penetrate the body wall is the dominant male. After fertilization eggs are deposited on a substratum where they develop into larvae and further grow as adults.


Up to 4,5cm.

Prey / Predation

They feed on anemones, such as Sagartiogeton lacerata.

Special features

It looks very much alike with A. papillosa, which is a lot bigger and has white rhinophores and oral tentacles.