Gray body with enlarged dorsal and anal fins, marked with pale to yellow strips. The body has vertical bands in yellow gray and blue, and on the lower body it has yellow spots. The face is light gray with a black bar through the eye. Tail is dark blue with blue spots. Juveniles are similar but colored yellow. They live solitary or in groups.
Stated as Least Concern by the IUCN Red list. Zebrasoma desjardinii is widespread and occasionally locally common in most parts of its range. It is harvested for the aquarium trade, but is not a major component. There are no major threats known and it occurs in a number of marine protected areas in parts of its distribution. It is therefore listed Least Concern.
Indian Ocean from the Red Sea south to South Africa and east to India, Java, and Cocos-Keeling Islands. Their habitat overlaps with the related Zebrasoma velifer, which habitat stretches further East into the Pacific. The can be found on outer reefs and lagoons, in a depth range of 3-30 meters.
Reproduction through spawning.
Up to 40cm.
They feed on algae and plankton, but have also been observed feeding on comb jellies and jellyfish.
They are very similar to the Pacifc sailfin tang, but have distinct blue spots on their tails, setting them apart. They also have a few lays dorsal fin rays which is more difficult to see.