Centropyge tibicen (Keyhole angelfish)


Dark blue, oval shaped white (keyhole)spot on the side, margin of the anal fin is yellow. It lives solitary or forms small groups. It is the largest species in the genus.


Least concern on the IUCN Red List. This species is collected for use in aquaria, but so far this doesn’t have a significant effect on the global population.


Western Pacific: Christmas Island in the eastern Indian Ocean to Fiji, north to southern Japan, south to Scott Reef (eastern Indian Ocean) and Lord Howe Island. Uncommon around oceanic islands, Indonesia, Philippines and Malaysia. Relatively uncommon in mixed coral and rubble areas of lagoon and seaward reefs, in a depth range of 4-55 meters.


It forms harems of 3-7 individuals.


Up to 19cm.

Prey / Predation

It feeds on algae.

Special features

It is captured for use in aquaria.