Red-orange undercolor, with narrow blue bars, head and fins deep blue to purple, two spines extend from the lower gill cover. It lives solitary or in small groups and stays near shelter at all times like its relatives.
Least concern on the IUCN Red List. This species is collected for use in aquaria, but so far it doesn’t have a significant effect on the global population.
Indo-Pacific: East Africa to the Tuamoto Islands, north to the Izu Island, south to Lord Howe Island. Not found in the Red Sea, Hawaii, and the southern Pacific Ocean. Secretive species found in lagoon and seaward reef slopes in areas with rich coral growth. Found singly or in aggregations, in a depth range of 5-45 meters.
This species forms harems of 3-7 individuals.
Up to 10cm.
Feeds mainly on algae.
Although it is collected for aquaria, global populations remain healthy. This fish owes its name to the 2 blue spines on its gill cover.